It seems someone at The Swash Zone decided to remove this post and all comments to it. But since I have several back links to this post and it's comments, I'm recreating it here, via it's web cache and my file of comments. I was also removed as a contributing author to this blog as a result of my comments to this post and elsewhere about this whole situation...
UPDATE: I should also probably clarify up top here (as I tried to do below) that while I backdated it to the date and time of it's original appearance at The Swash Zone on February 18th, 2010, this post was removed over there and reconstituted here in mid-October, 2011, and that there were originally 31 comments offered in reply to this post when it was at The Swash Zone; 30 appended to the post itself, and this comment, which spent about 24 hours attached to the original post, before it was moderated away for content and reposted here at this blog (in real time), instead. Unfortunately, the first 19 comments below (which, to clarify, are not necessarily the first 19 comments that actually appeared at the SZ post, though I believe the comments I do have are in the same date/time order as they were, there) are the only ones I can currently locate and repost.
Bernie Has It Right...
*When you run after your thoughts, you are like a dog chasing a stick:
every time a stick is thrown, you run after it. Instead, be like a lion
who, r...
4 weeks ago
Octopüß has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
It seems the professortrespasser was called to the principal's office.
Posted by Octopüß to THE SWASH ZONE at 3:49 AM, February 19, 2010
repsac3 has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
Anybody who's read my blogs knows of my thoughts regarding Dr. Douglas. I am appalled and amazed at some of the things he says and does, and his "faux black dialect" commentary is some of the most offensive stuff he posts. Half black or not, the guy talks like a racist, and taken together with his penchant for attacking men with whom he doesn't agree by suggesting (if not actually saying) that they're gay--apparently believing that gay men are not "real" men and thus less worthy of respect--exposes him as the bigot he is. (And that's to say nothing of his anti-muslim posts & commentary.)
It certainly doesn't surprise me that he would post something so offensive as this--:
“Black heritage. Whoo hoo!
That is teh awesome. I goin' be try'n escpe from de massa's house to be goin' to dis heah black her'tge trail. Y'sm sir!"
[Posted by Donald Douglas to THE SWASH ZONE at 10:27 PM, February 17, 2010]
--but as frequently happens with things Professor Donald Douglas posts, I'm left wondering why he would stoop so low. (I mean, I know what I think... What I wonder is, what was he thinking, that would make him say such a thing?) Is he opposed to Black history and heritage? Does he have something against the trail in Boston? Does he think it's unamerican to speak of slavery, because it reflects poorly on America and the necocon catechism of American exceptionalism in all things?
All that said, I have to come out against contacting his employers directly. It's one thing to blog about his offenses, and even go so far as to post that the relevant folks at Long Beach City College should make themselves aware of the things he's writing online, should anything he says reflect poorly on the institution and it's reputation, legally or otherwise. (Dr. Donald Douglas is the only professor at Long Beach City College I know anything about... But if I were to know someone who was considering attending, and had a choice, I would certainly advise against going there, on the off chance they ended up having to take a course with the guy. And were I a parent, I would make the admissions department aware of that, too.)
But knowing about the things that Donald Douglas and all their employees are doing that may reflect poorly on Long Beach City College is their responsibility. While I certainly agree that Donald's bigotry is a matter about which they ought to be concerned, those of us on the blogesphere who disagree with him don't have the underlying grounds to speak to the school about it. We are not students or the guardians of students. He is not being a bigot or trolling our blogs in his capacity as a Long Beach City College employee. (The closest he comes is whipping out his position as a college level PoliSci associate professor and essentially yelling "respect my authoritay!!!" in his best Eric Cartman voice. Which in my experience over the years, generally only leaves folks saying "He's a professor? Really?!?) When he's blogging, he's just another private citizen, albeit a bigoted one. And just as we wouldn't want anyone contacting our employers because they disagree with the political or social views that we sit here and write about in our spare time, we shouldn't be hounding Donald at his job for what he does as a private citizen... ...not unless we have a good reason, anyway (such as being the parent of a student at the school, or God forbid, in one of the man's classes, for instance.)
Posted by repsac3 to THE SWASH ZONE at 2:49 AM, February 19, 2010
repsac3 has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
I'm not saying that Long Beach City College shouldn't be aware of what Donald Douglas says and does in public, or care how his words and deeds may reflect on the institution... I'm just saying that I don't think it's our place to tell them quite so directly, if they don't already know...
That's my two cents, anyway... (And yes, I am aware of the shit-storm that may result from my tossing my pennies out, on this issue (perhaps even an ill wind or two blowing portside, even)... I'm prepared to deal with whatever comes, just as you folks are, I'm sure... In retrospect, perhaps I should've said something sooner--not that I expected anyone to change their tune on my say-so, but for the same reason I did so now; right is right. Honestly, I just figure it was a one (then two) time thing that would blow over and fade away of it's own accord... But it doesn't seem to be going that way...)
Posted by repsac3 to THE SWASH ZONE at 2:50 AM, February 19, 2010
Octopüß has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
The professortrespasser is not welcome here. He was duly informed ... not once ... but several times. There is a comment policy clearly displayed in the upper right column of this blog. It states in the clearest of terms:
"We welcome civil discourse from people of all persuasions but express no obligation to allow ourselves to be trolled. Any comment that fails to rise above ranting, taunting, profanity, and name-calling will be deleted without further comment at the discretion of any contributor."
The professortrespasser does not have a reading comprehension impediment.
Posted by Octopüß to THE SWASH ZONE at 4:06 AM, February 19, 2010
Capt. Fogg has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
"I'm the only sane and superior person here, and I'm surrounded by collectivist mediocrities! Arrrgggghh!"
And of course being a second class instructor at a third rate school gives him the platform for his little psychodramas where he's Thoth, the God of knowledge. Most of us here are better educated, more accomplished and judging from his writing skills, much more intelligent. His students seem to think he's a joke.
When I first encountered him, his photos looked whiter than I am and he was bragging about body-building as his chief interest. I suspect I know why he has a problem with homosexuality and race.
I have to differ on the subject of contacting his school. We're not talking about opinion or the scholarly expression of a controversial viewpoint, we're talking about slander and libel and as his institution is taxpayer supported, I think the public has every right to know they're paying the salary of someone who mocks minorities openly. People have the right to know what kind of school it is.
Even Professor Butz from my school days confined his anti-Sematism to writing books, not publicly shrieking like Hitler. This troll does little else.
Posted by Capt. Fogg to THE SWASH ZONE at 9:07 AM, February 19, 2010
rockync has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
While I am loathe to try to suppress or subvert anyone's ability to practice freedom of speech, I believe his comments here cross the line.
1) This is an open forum, BUT it is a still a privately possessed blog with a clear comment policy. Octo has already informed DD he is NOT welcome to comment here.
2) Had he come over here and called us all names, etc I would agree with you that while he's a consumate asshole, the best response would be to simply delete like we do all other mindless, spineless trolls that dwell in the bottom of toilet bowls.
But, he came over here and deliberately violated not only our policy but also Octo's request that he not come here and then he made a clearly demeaning, racist comment that has to reflect on his general attitude toward others. I would guess his college has liberal students and students of color whose college scores could be affected by this creepy "professor".
If no one tells the college about this atrocious behavior, how will they ever know about it? It's not enough to say "let someone else tell them."
If we knew someone teaching at some school was a pedophile, would we not feel equally obligated to report that?
The fact is he came here to start trouble of his on volition. He is not a victim but a perpetrator and should suffer whatever consequences he has brought on himself.
Posted by rockync to THE SWASH ZONE at 10:34 AM, February 19, 2010
The Original has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
I too have been harshly critical of DD and have on more than one occasion questioned his professionalism. However, I have to come out against the idea of contacting his school.
(1) It's just wrong. We may think that he's a kook. He and his kooky acolytes think that we are as well. Do we invite them to contact our employers?
(2) He is tenured.
(3) Given the current budget situation in CA and its effect on funding for higher ed, the vast majority of 2-year college student are just fortunate to gain enrollment and to find open classes. The reputation of LBCC, not one of the more prestigious junior colleges in the area, is mostly irrelevant.
(4) It tends to fuel his Randroid narcissistic persecution fantasies.
Just don't do it.
.The Original David
Posted by The Original to THE SWASH ZONE at 1:26 PM, February 19, 2010
repsac3 has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
When it comes to not being welcome here, I'm with ya. Deleting every dang trollish comment he makes is fine (though as you know, in my blogging, I prefer to leave such commentary posted, as everlasting examples of the bigoted, bad behavior they are... Often I'll end up with several posts linking back to them, even, building an ever-growing library in support of my contention that bigots are bigots, and the vile things they say matter...)
And obviously, I'm all for letting the public know about bigots like Donald. He most certainly deserves blog post after blog post extolling all that makes him unworthy. I'd even support letters to local newspapers about him. But whether we like it or not, it is not illegal to be a bigot or express bigoted views. Neither what he says in his blog (or anyone else's) or what he believes violates his contract with the school or in and of itself, puts anyone at risk of harm. If it were an illegal act or presented a clear danger to his students--as it would if there was clear evidence that Donald Douglas was a pedophile--I'd be wring letters and making phone calls myself. I just don't believe that bigotry rises to the same level. BUT, if I had clear & compelling evidence that his bigotry against a given group led him to grade a segment of his students differently, or say something in class as offensive as the comment he offered above, that would also be a different story...
As I said in my earlier comments, I think it's incumbent on Long Beach City College to be aware of the kind of things their faculty places in the public domain, and if they're not paying attention, they absolutely should be. But I just can't get behind reporting what so far amount to "thought crimes" to a person's place of employment, regardless of where they work. To me it's not all that different than, say, preemptively attacking a country, on the off chance that they may be planning to attack us, one day in the future, maybe...
Besides... It isn't as though the college hasn't been contacted about Donald's internet misdeeds before... Not only have we danced at this square dance before, others have, too. "If they don't know him by now, they are never, ever gonna know him... (mmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm)"
But on the other hand...
There is one thing I about which I wasn't aware, that may work in favor of those who take the opposite side of the argument. It seems that the Long Beach City College President may be a distant relative.
Posted by repsac3 to THE SWASH ZONE at 3:26 PM, February 19, 2010
bloggingdino has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
I will just offer a general comment and leave aside the specifics of the current discussion or personages: teachers are part of a scholarly community and they are, in their limited way, role models for young people -- they have every right to express strong opinions (be they left, right, or middle), but should also set an example of civility. Any uneducated person who can type can play the troll -- it's a sin against one's Ph.D. to engage in such behavior. I suggest that off duty or on, so to speak, we have a responsibility to enlighten and engage people productively, and to eschew commentary that merely demeans our opponents. That is simply a matter of professionalism and being true to one’s calling.
In a more specific vein, have you been over to the fellow's blog? He cites some of our comments and purports that they are hateful stuff. I found this humorous because most of the comments he cited were fairly gentle, including my own. These chaps really can't stand criticism -- the mildest species of rebuke, or even polite disagreement, is taken as a declaration of Miltonian “eternal war irreconcilable.”
This seems to me one difference between a bona fide way-righter and a liberal: we laugh heartily, even at ourselves; they sneer, chortle, and serve up bowlfuls of simmering word-hate to mask their terror and confusion.
Some of our less friendly visitors may not understand it, but I think everyone here, in spite of the occasional heated utterance, wishes them peace, good health, productivity, honest friends, a loving family, and the capacity to reflect on their own conduct and sentiments when that is warranted. I doubt they return those wishes, but that’s not the point.
Finally, the justification for Black History Month isn't hard to come by: African Americans got the rawest deal you can get for several centuries running (slavery and then segregation), and part of that "deal" was, of course, a thoroughgoing determination to ignore any contribution to world history or to American history and culture that they had made. When you spend centuries dismissing people as less than human, the last thing you want to hear is anything about their accomplishments. Given that awful context, what could possibly be wrong with putting a heartfelt emphasis on Black History? Why would any rational or fair-minded person take offense at it?
Posted by bloggingdino to THE SWASH ZONE at 4:58 PM, February 19, 2010
tnlib has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
We get top billing on the D's blog:
American Power: Swash Zone's Cyber-Bully Harassment Escalates!
Posted by tnlib to THE SWASH ZONE at 9:01 AM, February 19, 2010
Anonymous has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
To be completely honest, when I took Prof. Douglas' poly-sci class he took a surprisingly unbiased approach to teaching and he was quite popular and likable. It wasn't until I started reading his blog that I found out how incredibly brainwashed he was. Go figure...
Posted by Anonymous to THE SWASH ZONE at 5:15 AM, February 20, 2010
Capt. Fogg has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
All I can say is that the guy with all the bodies buried in the back yard is usually described as a nice and quiet fellow.
Posted by Capt. Fogg to THE SWASH ZONE at 8:58 AM, February 20, 2010
repsac3 has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
"...he took a surprisingly unbiased approach to teaching and he was quite popular and likable. It wasn't until I started reading his blog that I found out how incredibly brainwashed he was."
As I said at one of my posts or comments somewhere, it heartens me no end to hear that he isn't this much of a partisan ass in real life--though as I also noted somewhere, judging by his "" history anyway, the allegations of partisan bias & general "my way or the highway" pigheadedness have been increasing in number the longer he's been teaching (& blogging, and becoming more & more politically reactionary, on & off line), for whatever that's worth.
If you ever really want to find out how brainwashed Professor Douglas can be, try saying the same thing you just said without the anonymity, someplace where he's likely to see it...
If you mentioned Mao or Stalin even once in class--& even if it was because he asked you to name a well-known leader of a communist government or two--chances are good that he'll have you painted as a no good Red--and therefore an al qaeda dupe and terrorist symp (don't ask... he has his ways)--faster'n you can say "God Bless America" (let alone sing it).
I'm glad that most reports suggest that Professor Donald Douglas' low rent "Billo of the interwebs wannabe" persona is largely just an online thing (you're not the first of his former/current students I've heard from)... ...but I still wouldn't let anyone I know anywhere near his LBCC classroom without making them read hefty chunks of his blog, at least.
If, as his "ratemyprofessor" link indicates, Professor Douglas really is having more trouble keeping his partisan/bigoted dick in his proverbial "pants" and out of the classroom than he used to, it is his students who will be affected, not him (at least at first)... And, if he ever does snap, I'd hate for anyone to say "There were warning signs out there, but we just didn't know. We never thought to read his blog... but I really wish we had..."
Posted by repsac3 to THE SWASH ZONE at 10:02 AM, February 20, 2010
Octopüß has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
This will NOT be my last and final comment on the subject of Internet predation, but I hope this will be my last encounter with the Professor of Political Science at Long Beach City College who has stalked the Swash Zone for years.
This weekend, the professor posted a series of ripostes here, here, and here.
As expected, he is still wrapping himself inside his First Amendment rights while refusing to take responsibility for his actions. He plays the victim card but has not yet explained this:
Donald Douglas: “Black heritage. Whoo hoo! That is teh awesome. I goin' be try'n escpe from de massa's house to be goin' to dis heah black her'tge trail. Y'sm sir! [10:27 PM, February 17, 2010]
He plays the victim card but has not yet explained this:
Donald Douglas: “(O)CT(O)PUS ... I see pain and torment in your post. So, on this day I wish safety and goodness to you and yours. Merry Christmas and peace on earth. P.S. You have not banished me. Eloy's waiting to hear from you. [8:32 AM, December 25, 2008]
Why would anyone engage in Internet harassment early Christmas morning … unless there were something seriously disturbed about this person!
To put this subject into context, please recall the well publicized case of Kathy Sierra, a computer consultant who was victimized by online stalkers in 2007:
“I now fully understand the impact of death threats. It really doesn't make much difference whether the person intends to act on the threat ... it's the threat itself that inflicts the damage. It's the threat that makes you question whether that 'anonymous' person is as disturbed as their comments and pictures suggest."
In this BBC account, Kathy Sierra adds:
"If you want to do something about it, do not tolerate the kind of abuse that includes threats or even suggestions of violence (especially sexual violence). Do not put these people on a pedestal. Do not let them get away with calling this "social commentary", "protected speech", or simply "criticism"," she said on her blog.
Let there be no doubt. The pleas of Kathy Sierra have failed to reach across the Internet. There are trolls and serial predators everywhere, and few have been more persistent and toxic than the professor of political science at Long Beach City College.
If he were merely an annoying troll, it would be easy to ignore him. It is less easy, however, to ignore hate messages in my email box that originate from his weblog … fulminations against “stinking-boot” liberals … messages warning of dire consequences and a final reckoning. When one reads this crap, it is easy to understand how Kathy Sierra felt.
The nutty professor has been a serial predator for years. Without permission and despite repeated warnings, he continues to stalk this forum … even on Christmas Day. He has violated the anonymity of bloggers by revealing their identities in public. He lashes out at anyone who does not accord him the special status he thinks he deserves. Most of all, he has a sadistic streak.
Yet, he is still refusing to take responsibility for his actions while playing the victim card.
Posted by Octopüß to THE SWASH ZONE at 5:23 AM, February 22, 2010
Capt. Fogg has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
Ah - he's just another chancre on the big, ugly ass of American reactionary politics. He hopes that if he's ugly enough himself, people will mistake him for the ass itself. They won't, the big ass lives in Palm Beach, this guy is nobody.
Responding to him is pointless. The more sincere and obviously correct you are, the more straw he has to burn but if he thinks I'm intimidated, or threatened or impressed, he's crazier than I thought. He needs that job and any actual attempt to slander or god forbid,physically intimidate me would be the end of his miserable and tawdry career.
My only regret is that if it hadn't been for the recession, I might have been able to buy Long Beach Community college and shut it down, letting him look for employment with a resume' sticky with all the things he's said. We can be sure no legitimate school would hire him.
Posted by Capt. Fogg to THE SWASH ZONE at 2:09 PM, February 22, 2010
Octopüß has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
Captain Fogg, as you can surmise from previous comments herein, not everyone agrees with the step I have taken.
In a normal Universe, I would agree with my critics. Such an extreme measure would be considered cruel and unnecessary, but we are no longer living in a normal Universe ... given the hyper-partisanship of our times, and the abuse of the Internet as a medium for predation.
These days, corporations and universities have strict ethical SOPs that make it mandatory to report such abuses.
Despite what my critics say, there was no other way to stop the harassment.
Posted by Octopüß to THE SWASH ZONE at 2:57 PM, February 22, 2010
Octopüß has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
Not to belabor the point, here is one more quote apropos of this dicussion. It comes from Cara (from The Curvature blog) who says in this post, Yes, Abuse Is Your Business:
“All kinds of abuse, whether they be sexual, physical, or emotional — though most commonly when the victim is a marginalized person — are supported through the assertion that it doesn’t concern me. It’s not my problem. I don’t want to get involved. Why should I have an opinion? That’s a private matter.
Abuse is allowed to continue because all kinds of people decide that it has nothing to do with them. Victims go unsupported because outsiders don’t want to take a side. Perpetrators are allowed to continue their violence because it doesn’t matter to those who aren’t being abused.
When you say that abuse has nothing to do with you, what you’re actually saying is that abuse has everything to do with you. By deciding to turn away from abuse, to not comment, to not stand up against it, to say that you want to stay out of it, you are taking a side. The side of silence is the side of the abuser. The side of apathy is the side of abuse.”
Posted by Octopüß to THE SWASH ZONE at 3:37 PM, February 22, 2010
Capt. Fogg has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
In consideration of the accusations he's made against us, it seems unseemly and preposterous to defend the man's "rights." Did he take a moments care to prevent his libelous accusations from doing me any harm? No, he hides behind and abuses some archaic academic bulwark to avoid responsibility. Tenure is not license to libel and that's what he does. This goes far beyond expressing an opinion by inflaming people to foment armed insurrection.
We owe him nothing and humanity is far better off without his stench.
Posted by Capt. Fogg to THE SWASH ZONE at 4:17 PM, February 22, 2010
repsac3 has left a new comment on the post "THE RACIST BIGOT WHO TEACHES AT LONG BEACH CITY CO...":
I'm sorry if I offended anyone or spoke out of turn as regards whether or not one should contact someone's place of employment for actions they take online. My issue isn't so much with Professor Douglas' legal rights (though perhaps an argument can be made on those grounds, as well), but with the morality--and just as important--the effectiveness of doing so.
I maintain that potentially criminal acts (harassment, threats of violence, ...) should be handled by the legal profession, and acts that impinge on your use and enjoyment of one's google blog should be handled by reporting such acts to google. It isn't that I'm opposed to reporting abusive acts by immoral actors; it's only that I believe we should report such acts to the officials and agencies who are empowered to act on the reports we make.
Where bigotry and other morally repugnant acts are concerned, I'm all for sunshine; publicize the nasty things that people say and do as much as possible--which, by the way, is one of the reasons I'm opposed to moderating such things away. Sometimes it's good to confront and be offended by the things people say and do, and to see that as many other people as possible are offended right along with you. Rather than hide bigoted blog comments, I say highlight them, repeating them as many times as it takes for people to get good and pissed off at the people that post them. (In fact, if the lawyer's don't object, I'd suggest posting all of the threats and other nonsense received via e-mail, as well.) I'm all for blog posts, letters to local media--including the LBCC college newspaper--with full quotes and context, tweets, facebook posts, submissions to "Worst Person in the World" segments, and any other means that uses sunshine and/or moonglow to highlight the bad acts Donald Douglas and those like him engage in.
Long Beach City College is not responsible for anything their employee, Donald Douglas, posts online, any more than the places any of us work for are responsible for our online posts and comments. He's not speaking on the college's behalf, and they cannot--and should not be able to--control his private thoughts and actions. (again, just as I wouldn't want anyone on this side of the aisle stifled from speaking by our employers.)
I absolutely believe that LBCC ought to be paying attention to the things Donald Douglas posts, because in using his position as an LBCC associate professor of political science to bolster his internet credibility, I believe he is harming their "brand," but that is up to them to research, determine, and deal with.
I understand that some feel justified, but I just don't agree that complaining to his college superiors for acts that are not in any way related to his job is ethically correct or practically productive. If there is a legal case for harassment or threatening behavior, the college will find out about it soon enough, and I suspect that that is where the ethical SOP's would come into effect.
I feel kinda bad that we disagree, Oct, (& Fogg, & rocky, ...), but I just can't go with you on this... I don't think it's right, and I don't think it'll work, besides. I hope we can continue to act in concert where we can, but this ain't one of those times...
Posted by repsac3 to THE SWASH ZONE at 5:25 PM, February 22, 2010
Note: This comment remained posted at the original blog post for 18-24 hours, before being moderated away by a blog administrator. It was subsequently posted here: Immoderate Monk: Blogging While Employed - Where is the line?
Also, if memory serves, there were originally 31 comments offered in reply to this post at The Swash Zone; 30 appended to the post itself, and the comment above, which was posted at this blog. Unfortunately, these 19 are the only comments I can currently locate and repost.
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